Date Ideas for Bonding – Laugh together

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Those who laugh together love together. Laughter influences relationships and seems to be a love drug. It takes the entire brain to process a joke, whereas most emotions are only processed in the frontal lobe. For date ideas for bonding, laugh  – go to a comedy show, watch a comedy show, or watch a comedy movie.

People who laugh together like each other more, the closeness and quality of a relationship increases, shown through research,

There is an improv comedy in San Francisco called Submission at the Armory Club, it isn’t hard to make friends here. People let loose. Every time I attend, I watch couples leave with a third or fourth partner and singles leave with dates, and I wondered what the heck is going on at this comedy show? Why do so many shack up here when real life connections are much harder? Then I read an article about laughter and it makes sense – people bond over jokes.

When first meeting, sharing laughs with someone increases likability and desire to learn more and hang out with the other person.

“Laughter is the closest distance between two people,” Victor Borge wrote.

Couple Laughing on Date and Bonding
Couple Laughing on Date and Bonding – Date Ideas for Bonding

Putting this into practice – date ideas for bonding 

√ if you’re going on a date, laughter increases likeability and quality of attraction.
√ If you’re
dating, sharing laughter strengthens relationships and boosts closeness
√ If you have a difficult conversation coming, find a way to laugh together first –
√ Been in an argument, laughing eases tension.
√ Sharing inside jokes brings you closer together


Laughter is emotional

It can help you build a stronger emotional connection, socially, and chemically, because it releases neuropeptides, which influence social bonding.

It’s primal

When we laugh together it shows we’re socially thinking on the same level, that we belong together. “People who spent more time laughing with their partner felt that they were more similar to their partner,” says Sara Algoe, psychology researcher.  The more people laughed with their partner, the more they felt supported by them.

It’s therapeutic

Laughter releases endorphins and relieves stress which helps break down barriers of shyness and apprehension, explained by the Mayo Clinic. If you’re on the first few dates, laughing will deescalate nerves; activities where you laugh together are great date ideas for bonding.  And if you’ve had a disagreement, laughing relieves tension. There  are also health benefits like boosting antibodies and stimulating blood circulation.


Laughter is distinctly special

It takes five different parts of your brain to understand and laugh at a joke, while most emotional responses only happen in the frontal lobe, explained in Science, How Stuff Works. From a science perspective – laugher is formed in the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that is directly underneath the thalamus, which is involved with friendship, love and affection.

Laugher is a direct pathway that ties the two together, it gives you a head start to forming emotional bonds with another


Why all this matters on your next date

Laughter is a natural pathway to boosting social bonds. If you want your date to relax, the first step towards developing more, find a way to laugh together. Plus, women in humorous relationships orgasm more: a sense of humor is an attractive quality, and directly equates to the quantity and intensity of a woman’s sex life.

Some other ways to apply this – date ideas for bonding

If you’re not a jokes guy, go to an improv, stream an improv comedy, or watch a Romantic Comedy. If you want a list of women approved comedy movies, there are several in my monthly membership, cliff notes. And, for additional ideas to build sparks when dating, visit my article Small & Impactful Ways To Build or Rekindle a Relationship. 




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