What is BDSM – Let’s talk KINK, Alternative Lifestyles, Fetishes & Fantasies

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Curious about KINK, alternative lifestyles, BDSM, fetishes?

Want to know how to start your first session? Plan it just like any other date! I’ll talk about that, we’ll discuss the planning, how to start, what it means to you, and your partner, and how to go about having your very first fantasy, session, exchange as a Dominant or submissive.

Welcome to the world of Kink!

Kink is about power and the exchange of it. It’s a dance. The tango, not the lawnmower. The one in power must maintain control and not go too far. The submissive needs to have an honest self-assessment about what they want and why. Each person needs to answer these questions to determine limits and create a loose blueprint for the play, session, experience. A session brings out those feelings through activities such as sex, impact, humiliation, and so on.

I’ll talk about ALL that in this lesson, how you can dig inside yourself and answer the why and how for both sides. Because after all, the whole intent is to bring pleasure and deep satisfaction that you can’t quite get any other way.

PS. This is an introduction to my 10-week program for advanced partnerships exploring kink and alternative lifestyles. Find out more here.




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